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Your Brain your search Engine


Your brain is your search engine as your body wheels spin
Your microscopic body in the universe has a bigger universe within 
You can contain the universe within your eyeball as envision
The brain makes you bigger even you are smaller than a lion

It uses five senses to explore the outer world and within
What I feel, see, smell, hear, taste, and imagine beyond the sky begins
Search with five senses to explore as He endows everything
I look, I touch, I smell, I hear, I taste as a new baby has life to begin

Grew up with reasoning, judgment, decision to find a power of true shape
I look at faces and shapes to perceive figures as I move and grasp

It could be an elephant a whale, a robot in the bottom of ocean blue
I touch and grab the objects to have feelings as I learn and ensue

A warm heart, a cold face, and a burning wood it’s closer and far too
I smell objects with pulling and repulsive aroma as I go through

I start hearing the noises some horrible and sweet I have no clue
A giant or an angel a destroyer or preserver protect me from destruction too

I learn from my five senses eyes, hands, nose, ears, and tongue if I want to do
My thoughts turn into the imagination to build a world of the tangible world as a view

I find myself ignorant need a Guide, and Protector to show me a path to truth
A ship is drowning water made me call Creator instinctively ensure

The first man with his second half with objectives on his plan made a debut
Being alone, weak, and slowly learned many things as our civilization grew

A chain of presentations passed on from one to the next civilization to brew
Taking the test of each era we passed we failed as the test was upgraded too

Rules were tougher as the molten metal was settling in shapes to show
With given knowledge collected material, build a house at river bank too

One tiny house with few cattle by the river, the population started to grow
Most likened stone became precious, need protection in a vault too

One day a person snatched the belongings of a man, cloaked in dark-blue
A thief and robbery these words were quite new

Resisted to give away the belongings he was killed in boxing bout of two
Strange happenings never witnessed, occurred on earth and plateau

Do we need an intercessor for Protection, Justice; leads me to the light of truth?
I will use my senses to Touch, See, Smell, Hear and Taste with brain capabilities too

From generations turning experiences into knowledge, documenting it in blue
Documents of the dark ages unimpressive as sharing a cracked ladder of bamboo

A lighted stair leads to a higher horizon of light it grows as thoughts grow
Brain a powerful tool of humanity makes superior over the animalistic show

From cradle to youth, my friend my mother who protected in her color-true

My Protector, Healer, Feeder, Provider she is nothing but a Gods face it’s true



You are my Master, I am Your humble slave It transforms my body to the heavenly enclave Multiple…

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