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Our existence on this planet is linked by food chains through a channel of absorbable nutrients starting from flora to fauna via the transformation of energies.

A food chain begins with autotrophs from plants (produce) taking nutrients via roots and passing them from plant to animal upgrading the chain of energy and nutrients establishing an ecosystem. At the basic level, there are plants that produce the energy, then it moves up to higher-level organisms like herbivores. After that when carnivores eat the herbivores, energy is transferred from one to the other. Whilst mammals besides humans get their energy sources from raw food. Human being gets naturally processed food comes on their table mainly in the shape of cooked bread and rice, animal meat, vegetables, and fruits.

Plants get their energy via photosynthesizing, a process of converting absorbed food into nutrients that come from the ground for growth and to bear flowers and fruits.

The chain of trophic levels from the first level that is the plant to the fourth trophic level or autotrophs eventually it’s the beginning and end of the process is decomposers. Decomposers are fungi, bacteria, and invertebrates such as worms and insects, they can break down dead organisms into smaller particles and create new compounds converting the dead matter back into nutrients.

Decomposers are not assigned to a trophic level. convert the dead matter back into nutrients. Each Trophic level generates energy. A pyramid of energy shows how much energy passes from one living to another in a food chain. The trophic level from a value of one for primary producers to five for marine mammals and humans.

Therefore, we all are the product of the earth. All animals’ food source is the earth and when we decompose, eventually go back to earth and come back from the earth.

We are talking poetries with different attributes, shapes, and colors created by our Creator so we could contemplate, understand each other, and reflect in words and writings as taught by the Lord of the Universe and the Earth. In a nutshell from the first trophic level to the fifth level sincerely we are All Mighty Lord potteries in different colors and shapes.