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What is a Purpose of Human Creation


Nature is one of the creations of the Lord.

He is the Creator of the Universe and the Earth without doubt. 

He created physical law enforced via agencies chain of command

Where air, water, heat, and cold energies are physically bound

There are Sun, Moon, Earth, and many things beyond.

He sits above the seventh sky on the top.

Everything complies with Him under His commands.

When he sends punishment or mercy on the ground 

He takes the help of those physical agencies via squads

Therefore He says “we” Himself many times instead. 


While Kalima is a pledge of oneness for one Lord.

 (Kalima means there is no god except one God)

Without a medium of agency, actions are null and void


To reproduce human, He borrows mother belly 

Conceive a baby with a drop of sperms of jelley

Carries baby for nine months in her belly 

When she smiles, heaven smiles together 

 When she cries heaven lament together 

To continue reproduction and keep running Adam’s race 

He rewards Mother an abode in the heaven space

She takes the final destination via Heaven Road

Wherever our sight goes, He is seen in the sky and in the showering clouds

We must learn how to comprehend nature

How self appreciable and merciful nature 

Two different fruits from the two different trees grow in the same soil

Both have different tastes from the same water and same soil

Then O unrestrained man why are you going backward?

Water falls from the sky, and water evaporates to the sky

Water is solid, liquid, vapor and it runs via the rivers

It makes it’s way to reach to ocean 

Water gives life and it takes away life 

He (Lord) has created man from a sperm-drop; and behold this same (man) becomes an open disputer!” [16:4]


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