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Superiority a notion of inferiority



Traceback your race until at one point of origin they terminate

Reaches to point of beginning of Adam’s in contrast to world of syndicate

Claim there your value on a scale which side is superiority to authenticate

Point of superiority, is reflected in inferiority inevitably abdicates

We are race of same Adam do not makes your claim legitimate

Cain was deluded with greed and jealousy killed his brother for power to authenticate 

As river tributaries join to fall into the ocean to assimilate   

A passage to reproduce another one is same as an animal unless you are humble and adulate

You judge your superiority by color,  race, and nationality to be a star to rate

Superiority is in the treasures of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad’s submissions and generosity 

Those who extend their hands to needy to fulfill their necessities

Feeding a hungry while themselves remaining hungry

Superiority reflected in courtesy and humility 

Supremacy is a humanity crime seen in a slave owner’s mind of past centuries

Supremacy is reflected in the flowers of a garden of diversities


How can we deny nature’s bounties

Morning ray unravels stories of the night.  Makes dark areas visible and bright. Gives pen to justice seeker…

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