Hello, Mr. Pallone a congressman prime,
If you didn’t hear yet from Middlesex Water company, its subscribers are supplied with contaminated water through the city line.
No assurances for troubleshooting the problem within time,
Please read the following concerns before it is too late to fine.
I live in Edison township, a beacon of modern time.
I spoke to Middlesex Water company about the subject problem many times.
They assured me that switching to another water reservoir was not easy to find.
It will take two years until our kidneys stop filtration without enzymes
Our good bacteria will die make us admitted to the hospital for colonoscopy to find the cause of the crime.
What they should do, if they agree with my rhymes.
1) Provide clean water bottles to residents without fines.
2) And/or install a Reverse Osmosis water filtration system in every household within time.
3) Cut the price of water being supplied to the subscribers in half for a lifetime
As we voted for you in every election today we want you to vote for us and give a voice to be heard sometimes.
Water is the number one necessity of life. As we know during the war the enemies cut the water supply line.
You being our friend we request you to restore our clean water drinking right without saline.
Thank you a friend of mine
Communities across the country still need funding to replace lead pipes as you say.
Water has memories as scientists say.
We New Jerseyan proudly say
You are trustworthy as voters say.