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Love and Hate


Liking for the love is like a celestial landscape   

It has no physical boundaries and shapes
Disliking for quality is not hate
Hate is repercussion of love for an obscured fate
Love is a feeling for a physical shape
Love without soul is an artistic body in a cage
As elusive as mirage in a desert chase
Makes brain dehydrates and fail to contemplate
Liking is a combination of soul and outer shape
It becomes an immortal love makes sweet grapes
When love turns into hate makes sour grapes
As emotions goes up and down, rise and fall
Mind waves jumble up makes a plot
When body cease to a dead end stop
Fail to achieve a goal and gather no moss 
Brain finds no exit on highway cross
There is no light to receive
There is no power to retrieve
All dreams crumble and defeat
A lonely feeling surrounds body to cease
Compassion and love in vain come to naught
Possessed by individual crazy thoughts
Dictates a change of feelings to resolve  

A feeling of self-enemy generates and evolves
When revulsion overcome the mind
Superiority goes down for new identity to find
Finds no one is near, dear and kind
Reborn with uniqueness of unfeasible mind
Reincarnate as a hero of dark of own kind
When no hope is left in life to be known
Last wish to die with a breaking news to groan
Blow someone or to be blown
Taliban, Anti-Semite, Supremacist ideology is inhuman well known
It is self-destructive from beginning to end as history has shown
Combine all three makes first man Adam and sons, Abel and Cain
Everyone has one life one is Abel and other is Cain
Hug a hungry, sick, bereaved, pow and an insane
Put head on ground to have negative thoughts to drain
Discharge ego by lowering down head to earth plane
Rejuvenate by touching down the earth of multiple grains 

Time train moves on a feasible terrain
Each car proceeds as they are together chained


The God

There is one God only one no God is number two None witnessed my God and yours God…

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