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Indian monkeys have more rights


Democracy failing in India has a well-written constitution but cannot abide

Indian monkeys have more rights than humans worldwide

Caribbean Vervet monkeys steal cocktail sooner than red cow changes his hide

A Langur monkey with the given name Hanuman in Utah’s Hogle zoo is a keeper’s pride

American Indian politicians get high, drinking from the cup of IT tea bag tied

In New Jersey, Indian Day parade, human rights with bulldozers were pushed aside

A self-styled democracy of India is accepted by its allies worldwide

On American soil taking an oath of allegiance to the Indian flag by creating political tides

Indian American politicians mimic American human rights while taking the BJP side

Two faces of Indian American politicians riding the two boats together side by side

Modi’s entry was banned in the US in 2002 and he gets George Bush’s chides.

Obama hugged Modi on November 6, 2010, against American pride


Food for thought

Those who live in glass houses do not throw stones at other’s houses

 We all are children of Adam and Eve blessed equally with sustenance and spouses

 Those who are created of flesh and immortal bones

 They live life until their expiration date which is unknown

 Those who cannot comprehend their existence but prefer to condone 

 They do not make themselves their Creator of immortal material and scone


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