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In memory of 9/11

In memory of people who died for the nation

Twin Towers bow down in proclamation

On September 11 in adoration

In the melting pot, the people of nations

They mingled together in their womb of emotion

This nation reborn with blood and determinations

United, the people of nations will rise again

With a new spirit, America is on the rise again

The nation of nations, the nation of faiths

The nation of colors, America shall rise again

Condemn the act of elusive few
Those disappeared from justice
Shall answer for the act of insanes
Al Saud a Kingdom of
extortion of bane

For those who died innocently in vain

With a new spirit, America shall rise again

The twin towers are beacon to generations

To regain the strength to build it again

With a new spirit, America shall rise again.


Mystified in beauty of one

Mystified in beauty of One The beauty is so intense eye fails before gazing.I seek refuge in the…


  1. This blog is itself based on a theme of our forefathers Adam and Eve creation. As we are self-sufficient clay pottery of Creator or a kumhar or a pottery maker, we play different roles for themselves and/or for others. Read my poem on Adam also it is a puzzles lock opener. Thank you

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