From JC, Jimmy Carter to JC, Jesus Christ, easy but not so easy let us not be enticed
It is time to transfer power waiting to see it happen from Jimmy Carter to awaited Jesus Christ
When the world reaches on the verge of destruction and people erupts to decry
Worldly powers become adamant to fight to push peace proposals on sides
Winner and losers very soon will perish with everyone, and everything will die
No legends for next generation leaving no followers to follow an exemplary type
Morning ray sheds the light on the dawning earth after settling dust from the sky
One ray turns into a pen of a freelance reporter using black ink of the night to write.
May Lord give us long life to witness a human JC meets a divine JC a Massiah in this life.
Join to protest for burying the hatchet by bringing them on a table to turn the bomb into ice.
No more wars it is time we must say jointly enough is enough, must sit for peace tryst.
Civilized nations do not accept the murder of humanity and environmental heist.
The world has enough for self-destruction time to debunk the war machinery program of poltergeist.
You are a man of strong determination who can deter the destructive forces of hyena feast.
One who had the ability to contest the body cancer with stronger will without remorse.
Better to be wise rather than rodent mice living in the underground suffocating source?