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Crescent Moon


I am crescent moon beauty is explicit at night sublime  

People love me and write stories of rise and decline

A booster of intimacy of Lord without bowl of wine
Assigned on my path watching all events with curiosity 

Witness of Nimrod, Pharaohs, Romans, Yazid atrocities 

Hurmila shooting arrow on six-month baby with ferocity

Sun makes me disappear from the people’s eyes

I am always in the sky not visible until sun makes me shine

A perfect system of counting days without glitch in perfect time

I am doing it for billions of years follow accuracy of time 

Clocks follow my timing chasing sun on a fixed time

February needs to be fixed I move with accuracy in given time 

Thirty-three of solar years get an additional year to contemplate and thrive 

Hundred years of anniversary you get three bonus years to surprise 

Every fourth solar year makes thirty-three leaps in hundred-year of life time 

Part of universal order intertwine with mood and celestial system of vine  

I am as crescent as lovers’ lips singing melodious rhymes 

On night of full illuminating face makes mystic feelings underline 

No excuse never late follows path on divine line

Being subordinate of earth illuminate earth’s darkest nights 
Write and read your thoughts beauty of humanity must enshrine 

Polar Bear

 O’ Man of modern civilization You got to read How innocent are our faces We are polar bears…

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