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Be It – It happens


The One – The Just —
   He plans BE IT and it happens
Prior to Big Bang a sound resonated
He is an energy a light as sighted
Light transform in sound and material as dictated
Created the world in six geological days as calculated
Known as Harchenpro- Pelmesocen* (foot note) as geologist carbon dated
Seventh day is present in which mankind created
Time is relative term as Einstein theory explicated   
God seen as an energy as stars stays in assigned orbits precisely floated   
Everything obeys His commands never procrastinated 

His partner is nature in every particle well exhibited
My mother is biological creator as God dictated
My father is biological father as mother stated
Adam and Eve born without parents as God created
No parents to conceive out of blue until happened
Authority of universe His attributes are decorated
Unparalleled no contributor, no rival as witnessed
Angels praising their Lord in highest heaven
All creation carries a date of expiration
One only Creator of all has no expiration
One Who is forever He remains forever
There was no human order prior to Adam
God tested best worshiper in the heaven prior
An ego driven jinni claimed himself superior
Commanded Satan to bow to Adam as chosen
Satan was a worshipper without manner
He invalidated the God order to bow down to Adam
He is superior over Adam claimed to his Creator
He was educating Creator for his superiority over Adam
He became disobedient to his Creator
God nullified all his worships for obstinate nature
To recompence for his mistake he had to leave heaven
Plenty of angels glorifying Lord every moment
God wants good behavior as sought ever
Never to be proud worshipper without good manners
Satan alleged superiority over Adam is a delusion
He disobeyed God’s rules and order
Left the heaven with one condition
Distract the people who will following right navigation
He was assigned to misguide followers of Adam
Got freedom for a known time to be friend of Abel
Satan foretold Adam children shed blood therein
God set up the rule of test with two options herein
There will be right and wrong with equal options
God don’t punish people before crime is proven
Pharaoh’s killed boys per fore-teller prediction
Moses mother had knowledge for unseen event
She floated away in the river Nile baby Moses
The Prophets know their killers but never kill them prior
Preemptive retribution in God’s kingdom is not higher
Prophet Abraham a founder of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad faiths
Moses a man of knowledge of unseen events             
Who talked to the God with unique character
Jesus resurrected dead and cured lepers
Prophet Muhammad carry on same message
Elevated thinking and merged three excellent passeges
Justice was enforced for peace to prevail slowly in packages
Harchenpro- Pelmesocen: Hadean- Archean – Proterozoic – Paleozoic – Mesozoic – Cenozoic – Present


A sweet injury when a little boy runs I bend down to reach in tryst and he jumps…

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