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Homo-Erectus, a wonderful man


Homo-erectus an upright man, heads up with a kind heart

Erect the body on two legs up, a perfect body to walk

Eats without bowing down unlike animal write, read and talk

With the power to lift one leg up, another will lead to fall

One foot here another is on the dial of hereafter clock

There is a fine line in between beauty and the beast to cross

Freedom to balance human values over animal four legs walk

How superior is the human body with a beaming head on the top

Smaller than an animal with a gigantic brain fly higher than a hawk

Wonderful brain encapsulating universe bigger than human thoughts

Do we know O’ wonderful man, who runs universe on the accurate clock?


When “I” Lord become “We”

When there is a need of understanding I am we for elucidation I am the one who has…

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