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Adam and Eve

Self-sufficient body creation of Almighty Lord, a creator of Adam

Walks on two legs, balancing on ears, hear via the brain, a universe within Adam

Infused with love to reproduce nonstop production of Adams

Begins the history of the earth with two conjugal incipient to breed Adams

Adding man after man from recyclable clay, emerging Ad+a+Man many Adams

Wow-a-man makes a woman, begins a journey of Eve as the wife of Adam

Worldly attachments to one body with  multiple souls harnessed in tandem 

A love driven tool of hormone infused to breed to carry-on a mission of Lord

Two minutes intimacy a driving force to comply mission of Lord

Oh Man, are you winner or driven by hormones of Almighty Lord

Your deeds have a price tag of life accomplishes none but Lord?

None belongs to you and me as we return to the initial unit of Lord

Love money and power dropping behind, reaching the ultimate destination of Lord

Spent prime days in hate and crime as energy subside, return to Lord

Death treat equally, unbiased of color and nationality all submit to one Lord
Almighty God, winner of His plan and Owner of multi galaxies is only Lord
Everything born destined to die except none but everyone’s Lord

Never began and never ends He is a Lord of lords an omnipotent Lord
Rotating in a circle of time planets and stars for a known time, a plan by universal Lord

Being a material, evolves a shape, timed by Almighty Lord

A soul-driven body run on time, eject to transform into an eternal form of Lord


Life is a three dimensional prism

Life is three-dimensional a soaring kite Fly high in the sky a rainbow flight Refract through three dimensional…

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