When eyesight returns it creates an object and face
Once it fails to come back it makes no object’s trace
We call it an unfathomable area of galactic space
Whan a look finds no object is known as an empty space
Makes our mind hardly to believe an object without a terrace
There are no dimensions that make no objects and face
Seeing is believing, it is true for a mortal eye and mortal face
There are sun, moon, and stars in unfathomable space
The shorter wavelength of blue, visible to the eye in aerospace
Prismatic effects scatter light in airspace
It covers the earth under a blue umbrella without a haze
All creations are in nature has expiration dates
The creation begins a journey to a termination date
Creator has no beginning no end, never tired, and stays awake
Universe revolving with unknown energy on a fixed rate
Productions are assessed by an engineer for their expiration dates
Body blends with earth while soul exits from planet’s gate
Its time to open brain eyes to sailing safely in sea spate