Month: February 2020
7 posts
Business of Garden
Garden wonders are giving a ringing sound The sun is peeking over the mound Ray of the sun…
Your Beauty is Your Mind
The beauty of a diamond is unknown in the coal mine The Sooner it is separated from the…
Life is a natural phenomenon, a natural science for example. Sand grains under pressure, in a basin, generates…
None is superior
Born out of sperm in the same way as an animal Rejoice mental superiority for being a rational…
Time to open brain’s eyes
When eyesight returns it creates an object and face Once it fails to come back it makes no…
Prophet Solomon and Queen Sheba tryst
Queen Sheba and Prophet Solomon in discourse for a mystical tryst Bird Hoopoe broke a news to prophet…
Lets make the Life beautiful
Let us enjoy the beauty of life as every day is bright Do not push days for weekends…